Sunday, November 16, 2008

A story of bread and stolen butter dishes

Once upon a cold, rainy, windy Indiana night...Ginny was getting over a horrible date that she regretted from the beginning (insisted upon including by Ginny herself)...Kristen and Virginia entered the well-lit establishment of the Coventry Inn. Taking up their usual place in the lounge area of the restaurant and bar, they decided upon ordering food.

Kristen, intent on having Yorkshire Pudding, knew she would order the Pub Roast Dinner. Ginny, who took a while longer since she wasn't sure whether she wanted beer or mixed drinks (as that has a large impact on the food you order...apparently) finally decided on "fish, beer, fries, and goat cheese perogies."

After discussing the impracticality of their dining table which was far too short for proper meal consumption (but may have served Goldilocks had she not been so picky), the beautiful duo asked to be relocated to a more appropriate dining environment and were then seated at a quaint two-fer table.

Once there, they were brought even more water in addition to the two glasses and coffee that the two ladies brought over from their original spot. Immediately we knew the waiter (Zach Z-something or other) was going to be in our weddings. Adorable, funny, sharp as a tack (with really sleek glasses) the conversation was unstoppable. Add in the wit of Kristen and Virginia, and you were smack dab in the middle of a Gilmore Girls episode (complete with that Jessie guy...who we'll dub as the sexy and flirty chef).

Conversation topics varied. They started on how much the group hated western Pennsylvania (a tenant for any friendship), which soon touched on the love of knee-high socks, baseball, sexy men in beards, and an intense desire for bread.

"I couldn't help but notice the other table over there has bread but we do not. What can I say, I'm really observant." - Virginia

"Well, I was too occupied running...yes I a tell the chef MASHED POTATOES..she wants mashed potatoes, not roasted!...for your friend that I completely forgot to inquire about the whereabouts of bread." - Zach our witty waiter

Before he could finish this important statement, Virginia proceeded to throw a spoon in her excitement over the Philadelphia Phillies, causing a ruckus that even that principle from the Breakfast Club couldn't handle.

A period of serious "cheer-sing and toasting" occured after this moment....during which Virginia and Kristen celebrated their fabulousness..."I want to toast my horrible date being over." "I got a new pair of knee-socks." "My placement teacher has the possibility of being hot."

Insert a time when the gay really, he's gay...comes to inquire about my drink he created. I asked for a Berry Martini and it tasted like I got wine with some champagne tossed in...according to the bartender, it was Blueberry vodka, pomegranate juice, and champagne...suuuuure buddy, suuuuuuure. Needless to say, I only finished it because Ginny, Zach, and the cute chef guy commented on its fullness each time they looked at my glass.

Ginny's goat cheese fetish was fulfilled once the perogies were brought to the table...but oh...what's this? Zach comes prepared with another helping of goat cheese perogies. "The chef wanted to change your opinion on goat cheese."

Almost puked. Fortunately, I had a Ginny who eats goat cheese perogies on me at the time. We were then accosted by the head chef, Jon. Who obviously came to flirt...he had nice glasses.

Zach, Ginny, and I then shared another few lovely moments bashing the bartender whom we all dispise. Once the checks were paid for, we chatted a bit more until pressured to leave by the owner...a chunky man of unusual stature in a plaid blazer which smelt of burnt chess pieces. Because he was so unimaginably rude, we grabbed the extra bread and butter (complete with butter dish) and dashed. No worries, we did pay and tipped quite generously to our new friend and compainion, Zach.

By the way, Zach, if you're reading this...we facebook stalked you already. Looking forward to having you in our wedding parties. IT'S ELECTRIC...BOOGIE WOOGIE WOOOGIE!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Life, Death, and Tea Leaves

Cancer is so unfair. It doesn't care who it affects, it just goes for anyone that breathes. I personally know few with cancer, but I know many loved ones who's lives its destroyed by taking someone dear to them. I'm writing this at work (the coffeeshop), and struggling not to cry because a man that was just in got a cup of Earl Grey tea - one of my favorites. Our's is slightly different and I asked what he thought of it as he was leaving. He mentioned something about how it was good, unique and special. Then he said something about how everything is good now because, "I have this thing called cancer...and I only have a few weeks left..." I really didn't know what to say but "Oh dear" escaped my lips as my brain and body went numb. He continued with, "Well you come in and you go out. That's just how it is." After the door shut I just stared at the place he just stood, talking to me, then at the empty cup he handed me, shaking slightly in my hands. The dregs of the tea resting silently at the bottom.

A fitting exit.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

I'll know that I was strong...

It's been a while since I last posted. The summer has been lazy so far, in some ways...and busy and hectic in others. I've taken up an unpaid internship at a museum in Bethlehem and I've learned so much from my boss so far. How to deal with docents (tour guides) and oddball tourists, the drama and gossip of the partnership keeps her and I occupied all day. But in just the month and a half that I've spent at the museum, I know that this is really what I want to do with my life. Choosing history instead of interior design was the best decision I've made in a long time.

Speaking of good decisions...I lately have made another decision that will probably be the best I've made in a long time as well. I've decided to forget. It's a lot easier than I expected it to be. Probably because the person I've chosen to forget has already forgotten me. With that, a few verses from one of my best friends seems appropriate to end my short blog today.


There is a girl that I know well
And she will be my strength.
With hair dark like the ocean deep,
And eyes that for the sacred weep,
She knows great things in her young heart,
She's felt the sting of love.
And when her paper airplane crashed,
Found solace up above.

And this girl's hand tight will I hold,
And we will form a chain.
And when all temptation is gone,
It will be we that shall remain.

And every time that I look back
I'll know that I was strong.

There is an angel that I know
And she will be my guide.
She's ethereal like the falling snow,
Returning like the tide.
Her poet's heart beats fast and light,
Like the wings of a dove.
She wraps us in her soft, white light,
And heals us with her love.

This angel's hand tight will I hold,
And we will form a chain.
The three of us together,
It will be we that shall remain.

And every time that I look back
I'll know that I was strong.

There is a devil that I know,
He moves around like smoke.
And with all his senseless hilarity,
It is me he tries to choke.
No, he won't get into my veins,
He will not bring my loved ones pain.

And every time that I look back
I'll know that I was strong.

There is a boy that I love well,
He met those devils, too
But underneath all the weight of the world,
Could not break a demon's spell.
The boy I love gave in,
And he committed a hurtful sin.

And every time that he looks back
He'll know that he was weak.

They say forgiveness is quite hard,
But I know trust is worse.
For trust to be obtained and kept,
Betrayal is its curse.

This verse continues on forever,
This story never ends.
Theses devils never really leave,
And so my heart will never mend.

But every time that I look back
I'll know that I was strong.


A sword forged in darkness
And shrouded in mystery,
Birthed in dark flames
Without temperance or history,
Glows in the shadows like neon desire,
Kept hot by the coals
Of passion's bright fire.

A sword can shatter,
Turn brittle and break,
What needed only passion,
Heat and fire to make.
A flame can be extinguished
And just suddenly die,
And a flame can be swallowed
By the tears that we cry.

But memories outlive
Our new loves, new names-
You never forget
Your first love, first flame.

Both by K. Gallagher. Smartest girl alive in my opinion.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Barack the Vote

Here I am, the hour is winding down to the time when I must get in my rental car and return to IUP after less than 24 hours in H-town. So heartbreaking.

However, I did vote. Obviously for Obama. YAY. Had dinner at my parents' favorite diner last night after I got in. Then watched some Little People, Big World with Kahlua (the sister dog and "my" dog since I favor her the most) asleep in my arms. Headed up to bed with the little mongrel, and after she finally settled down across my legs, fell asleep. Got up at 7am to put her out when I heard Jon putting out Sammie (the brother dog and everyone else's favorite) and ended up staying up reading in bed while Jon messed around on my computer and we watched funny videos and downloaded songs.

I must say tho, the most memorable part of the morning was when Jon began picking up the pennies he found on my floor, and looked at me with his face all contorted in concentration. Then slowly, he said to me, "Where should I throw these?"

"Why do you have to throw them at all?"

"I wanna see how far I can throw them..."

And with that, he leaves my room and I can hear him climbing out onto the roof behind our house, then he shouts, "Kristen! Go to your front window and watch. I'm gonna try to throw the pennies over the house and out to the road!! You tell me if I make it!!"

"Yeah! Because I'll be able to see a penny fly by my window and hit the road..."

But to humor him, I went to my window. A bit later, I hear him ask if I saw the penny. To which, I say no. And he seemed pretty bummed about it because he threw about 4 and I didn't see any.

Now I realize to everyone else, this seems like such a dumb story and not funny in the slightest. But you see, I've been away from my family and my younger brother for so long, that I just have to laugh at the dumb silly things they do. At one point in the morning, Jon was SURE that this bottle of juice he's had in his room for months would "explode" if he dropped it from the roof to the driveway. And after forcing me to get out of bed to come watch him throw this bottle of fermented juice to the ground, only to have it remain intact...too funny. I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

I guess I'm just saying, don't let the little things go unnoticed. Because sooner or later, you won't have the opportunity to laugh at them. I can't even begin to explain how much I want these last two weeks to fly by so I can start my summer here at home, in H-town, with my family.

Simply can't wait.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hospital Bracelets

Yep, that's right. Yesterday was that magical time of year when I make my annual trip to the hospital for something else ridiculously stupid.

Last year it was a possible skin infection on my shin that might need surgery. Turns out it was an inflamed bug bite. Bye-bye $50 copay.

The year before...a broken middle finger. From what? Playing volleyball at 2am outside Stewart Hall. I still have the splint :)

This time? A bump on my arm that turned out to be a mild staf infection of a sort. Whoooo knows how I got it. But point is, it's gone and no longer a problem. Save the fact that it is verrrry painful and Talley and I got some free hospital goods out of the trip (gotta make that 50 bucks back somehow!) But the story of the hospital is a slightly good one to tell.

It all started with my mother telling me I should go to the hospital and get the bump taken care of (she works for a dermatologists office) so Talley and I headed back to our room, started dinner (pot roast! yuuum) and headed out. But not before I made another call to my mom to explain that I couldn't find my insurance card. Here is the ensuing conversation...

"What?! Well where is it?? It should always be in your wallet!!"

"Well, I don't see why I'd take it out. So I highly doubt it's my doing."

"Kristen. It's YOUR card. It was in YOUR wallet. Why would it be anyone else's fault!?"

"I didn't take it out!!! Just go check my other wallet up on my bureau."

"Hold on, Daddy's checking his stuff. I don't know why though, this is obviously your fault. You only have yourself to blame and now I doubt you'll be able to pay for this."

(My dad in the calmly as if he were going over a grocery list..."Here it is.")


"Well I don't understand why your father had it..."

We made our way to the hospital, commented on their effort to make it look more modern via the entrance-way. Had a discussion about how Oncology is cancer specialists and not colon specialists. And got into the emergency room.

Now, for those of you reading from back East, this emergency room is about the size of your family physician's office watiting room. Nothing like the crazy, hectic, St. Luke's or Lehigh Valley business we're used to with all the bleeding, puking, screaming, crying babies, pregnant women around you. Just an empty room with a cute little old man in a red blazer who asks your name and shows you into a room off to the side where a nurse gets your vitals in basic information. I must's far better going there and getting taken care of right away instead of waiting four and a half hours in a waiting room with only a towel to hold your partially severed thumb on your profusely bleeding hand.

After telling them that my pain is about halfway between the frowny face and the smiley face on the "pain scale" and sucessfully reading the French translation on a poster on the wall to entertain the cute old man in the red blazer, he led Talley and I back to Ortho (who knows why). On our way, we passed quiiiite the handsome devilish looking doctor leaning on the main counter. Complete with a sexy grin and debonair suave movements, he was def. a hottie. I motioned to Talley who got a peek and just grinned at me. We were put into a room with a bed and all that...but on the far wall were thousands of supplies. In the back, mounds of crutches, still in wrappers. I couldn't help but feel they just put us in the storage closet. As I was changing into the gooooorgeous hospital gown, some dude just walked right in, didn't even falter, and proceeds to shop for bandages on the supply side of the room. Talley and I just stared at his audacity with our mouths fingers on the clasp of my bra (thank GOD I wasn't any further along before he came in).

Finally, a nurse came in to get my insurance info. Apparently she was having as bad a day as I was (I had problems with the bank earlier) and was thankful for the laughs we were giving her while we talked about the hot doctor with the sexy grin. After she left, threatening to send in the hot doctor, much to Talley's pleasure, another person barged in to get some supplies...again without knocking or anything. Eventually, the doctor came in and right after looking and touching for two seconds, she was like, yep we'll have to drain that. Sparing you the details she went into with us, she stuck me with a needle which hurt so much I was screaming and didn't even realize it until Talley was telling me to shhh.

"Ohhh yeahhh, yeah, we're getting stuff out..." - Doctor
"Just think about Obama winning the primary!!" - Talley

After significantly poking around my arm with the damn needle and poking me with her fingers RIGHT where it hurt the most, the doctor finally let up and my crying ceased. Of which I'm not ashamed of at all. That hurt SO much. Imagine someone stabbing and sliding a needle all over the place inside your arm. So you can just imagine how sore my arm is today. This trip however was easily the most painful to the hospital yet. Can't wait to see what shenanigans I get myself into next year.

After I was given permission to leave and was putting my clothes back on, Talley pointed out what kind of stuff they had in the supply closet part of the room. Needless to say, we made back the 50 bucks I wasted on the copay. So if you happen to sprain your ankle...we're your pharmacy :)

Until then...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

My life IS a movie.

Don't believe me? Here are a few things to make you believe otherwise...

Movie Scene 1:

Two weeks ago, (i think?) I went to CMU with Talley to watch her boyfriend play in a water polo tournament. Halfway through the first day, Talley pointed out a cute guy to me. The more I looked at him, the cuter and, eventually, hotter he got. Swimmer physique, cute reddish brown curly hair, GREAT smile. Well, a little while later, I'm watching the game and he just appears in front of me with a water polo ball. He looks at me and smiles, then asks if the ball belonged to our team. I didn't see Drexel on it, so I said no...then Talley recognized it as Frank's and quickly said yes before hot guy left. So he looked at me again, locked eyes for a bit, smiled and handed me the ball. Not even two minutes later, he was back with another ball. In what I imagined was a flirtatious voice, he asked if this ball was ours too. I flirted back and he left again smiling. I continued to watch him every once in a while, and when I'd find him, I'd see he was looking at me too. I explained this to Talley who then pushed me to give him my number. At the end of the second day, I decided I had nothing to lose. I wrote my number down and went to go find the hot guy. Nowhere to be seen, but he was at the score table earlier, so I decided to give the paper to someone there and have them give him the number. So I handed the number to a girl sitting there and asked her if she could give it to the red-headed guy who was there earlier. She said sure, and we left. That night, Frank got an e-mail from their team's captain explaining that I had in fact given my phone number directly to Hot Guy's girlfriend and their team couldn't stop laughing about it.

Now where do you see that? Maybe on an episode of Seinfeld or Friends, or a romantic comedy. Need more??

Movie Scene 2:

I've been flashing the pearly whites and mindless chit chat with a guy that comes into work most days. He's a cute guy, smart looking, with glasses. So obviously I think he's gorgeous. Well, I went swimming with Talley Monday night and low and behold, there he is swimming in lane 1! So now I'm all self-conscious about my body and try to get into a lane before he pops his head up and sees me. Once in the water, I'm not sure if I should wave to him or what, and I wasn't ever truly sure if he saw or even recognized me. So I decided, I'd wave or say hi if he did it first so I wouldn't make a complete fool of myself. After my warm-up, while I was sitting on the deck stretching, I saw him leaving. Then, crazy as it is, he turned around and waved goodbye to me. And it wasn't one of those, "Oh, hey!" kinda waves. It was one of those outstretched arm, fingers moving together...kinda like you'd wave to a baby. So I wave back with a big grin on my face...that is, until I see out of my peripheral vision this Asian girl in the lane behind me waving back. Wonderful. Imagine how embarrassed I am when he comes into work now.

Movie Scene 3:

Here's the comedy act. So Talley went home this weekend, and when she isn't around, I find myself cleaning or hanging out with other ppl or getting work done. Well, I had time to kill Friday night until I was going to be picked up to go to a party, so I decided to clean up the kitchen. I washed half of the dishes when I decided to tackle the kitchen table and clean out the frig. After getting most of the trash out, I returned to the apartment to find another box of trash and a few drinks from Java City that I didn't finish and neglected for a few days (oops). So, instead of dumping them down the sink and make the apartment smell delicious, I placed the half-full cups in the box, against the corners and squished things up against them so they wouldn't topple over on my way to the dumpster and get all over me. On my way out the door, I saw the leftover bread on the top of the frig and decided I'd throw that out too. It was pretty windy and I had a goofy maneuver where my intention was to stop the door from slamming. In order to do this, I had to set the box on the table wicked fast and grab the door. Well...the box wasn't fully on the table, so instead of causing a buttload of noise with the slamming door, I ended up with two gross chai tea lattes on my kitchen floor. Cursing myself (and the door) I started to clean up the mess, only to find it had seeped under the plastic dresser holding our food and microwave. So I slowly slid that out of the way to clean up underneath that as well. Well, I went one push too far and I heard this horrible sliding sound and looked up to see the microwave coming directly for my head. (I had forgot that it was still plugged in and the cord wouldn't give anymore) I have never reacted so quickly before in my life. I successfully caught the ridiculously heavy microwave, but the glass bottle of worcestershire sauce didn't make the cut. Nor did anything else that was on top of the microwave. Luckily the glass didn't break, but Lord did it make a HUGE noise. Not to mention everything that fell that I didn't catch was now rolling around in the latte mess. I doubt it's necessary to point this out...but that little bit of bread that I meant to throw out that started all of this is still on top of my frig.

For the less embarrassing part of the movie...

Movie Scene 4 (a compilation of 2 days):

I tend to frequent a local coffeehouse here, especially when I haven't gotten out of my apartment a lot. I just got a new book and I love to read at the coffeehouse with a hot tea or latte next to me (plus the music tends to be good there too). Anyway, I've been down there a lot this week. One day, while killing time before work, sitting in my usual seat near the back, a group of students took the table in front of me. Music majors would be my guess since the one guy just couldn't help himself and broke out in song not not twice...but three times. At one point, I overheard their conversation about the internet, more specifically Wikipedia. Now I'm sure you ALL know what Wiki I won't explain that. But I found that I could really relate to what one guy said. "I'll start at the article of the day then click on another link, then another, and another. Before I realize it, 30 minutes have gone by and I'm looking at 'Parsley'!" Now just to demonstrate how great this coffeehouse is, I'll relay what happened the day after the Wiki discussion. I was sitting against the wall reading, when my friend Jon came in and made his way through the crowded shop. Before he reached me, he asked, "Hey! You didn't happen to see a large burly man by the name of Chris, have you?" And before I could answer (or even laugh) a guy 2 or 3 tables over shouts out, "My name's Greg, not Chris." And not only did Jon and I crack up, but the whole crowded coffeehouse shared a good chuckle. Jon made a point of saying Bye to Greg on his way out.

And there you have it. Now I hope you believe me when I say "my life is right out of a movie!" Just thought it was about time I updated..and knew these stories would give a few people some laughs.

Until next time...

Monday, December 17, 2007

Things realized...

Just a few things I realized since coming home...

  • Jon and I have a lot more in common than meets the eye. We both like things simple, and hate overly decorated things. Jewelry, watches, clothes, etc.
  • I talk to Ashley Talley online whenever I can when I'm home.
  • I eat at the right times instead of at 3pm for lunch and 12:30am for dinner.
  • I watch a shitload more tv.
  • I get a cold every time I come home.
  • I like MeTime more here at home and tend to turn down invites to just sit around knitting, watching movies, or baking or something.

Well it's not much...but its an update, right? Enjoy your break everyone!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Espresso...not eXpresso

I really should be studying for Interior Design since I have an 8am final tomorrow, but I just had to write a little bit about my conversation with Al I just had.

Al works here at the coffeehouse that I come to all the time and she made some really cool latte art in my drink tonight, which spawned a conversation about how a barista can really get emotionally integrated with their drinks they make. I completely agree. I don't really know if I can flat out say I'm a barista. I work at a coffee place on campus, but everything is done for you. You don't have to tamp the espresso or steam the milk, relying on how the temperature feels on your hand to know when its done, and you don't really get a chance to deliver a quality beverage. At my coffee place, it's more about quantity, rather than quality. Still I try.

Every drink that requires sauce drizzle on top, I make a little flower, and for the first time in the entire 4 months I've worked there so far, I got my first compliment about the flower. One time, there was just one person in line, and I had just opened, so the container we steam the milk in was cold - perfect for making great foam for a latte, and latte art - so I took my chance.

I steamed the milk perfectly, using the thermometer in the container to gauge when I should froth the milk and when I should steam it. The result: perfect foam. I then used the techniques I learned from a video I saw on youtube and made an apple in the woman's latte. When I went to give it to her, I showed her the art and was like, "Look! I made an apple in your latte! That's the first latte art I've done!" and she goes, "Uh, can I just have my drink?"

Total shutdown. But no matter, I still try to make quality beverages, despite the need to go quickly at my workplace. Hopefully I can get my job at the cafe at home again this summer and have the opportunity to make great espresso drinks and lattes. Everyone should come visit me and get a drink!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

F*** History

No...not my saying. Turns out someone hates history enough at IUP to scratch that phrase into a prof's desk in his office with a paper clip.

Now, I'm going to try to prove to people that history is actually interesting...and more often than not - moving and inspiring. A few good stories from American history oughta do the trick...

Virginia - 1765

In response to the passing of the Stamp Act (an effort by the British crown to tax the colonists for their "protection" they gave them during the French and Indian War) Patrick Henry vehemently spoke out against it in the House of Burgesses...

“Tarquin and Caesar had each his Brutus, Charles I. his Cromwell, and George III." –and here he was interrupted by the cry of ‘treason’- "may profit by their example; if this be treason, make the most of it.” And as one scholar notes, “This is the way that the fire began; Virginia rang the alarm bell for the continent.”

How about another story about the same guy? Let's jump to March 1775, when Patrick Henry is attempting to establish a unified militia in the colonies to rise up against the British, but the men of the Continental Congress aren't having any of he makes his famous "Give Me Liberty!" speech, but most people only know what he said and nothing more...former President John Tyler was told a story about the moving speech by the grandson of Patrick Henry...enjoy...

Philadelphia - 1775

"Mr. Henry was holding a paper cutter in his right hand: and when he came to that part of his speech in which he said: ‘I know not what course others may take.’ He cast a glance at these gentlemen, and bending his head forward, and with stooping shoulders, and with submissive expression of countenance, he crossed his wrists, as if to be bound; then suddenly straightening up, a bold, resolute purpose of soul flashed over his countenance, and then struggling as if trying to burst his bonds, his voice swelled out in boldest, vibrant tones; ‘Give me liberty!’ Then wrenching his hands apart, and raising aloft his hand with the clenched paper-cutter, he exclaimed; ‘Or give me death!’ and aimed at his breast, as with a dagger and dropped to his seat.
"The effect, continued Mr. Tyler, was electrical. There was more in the tones and the action than in the words. The house was still as death…the members started from their seats. ‘The cry ‘to arms’ seemed to quiver on every lip and gleam in every eye.’"

You want something more Colonial? How about the Walking Purchase of 1737?

"Thomas Penn and James Logan conducted the "Walking Purchase," perhaps the most notorious land swindle in colonial history -which is saying a great deal. Unable to stop invading squatters, the local Lenni Lenape band agreed to relinquish a tract that would be bounded by what a man could walk around in thirty-six hours. Of course, the Lenni Lenape expected to lose only a modest parcel, but Logan and Penn had made elaborate preparations to maximize their purchase. They employed scouts to blaze a trail, and they trained three runners. On the appointed Septemmber day, the runners astonished and infuriated the lenni Lenape by racing around a tract of nearly twelve hundred square miles, including most of their homeland. Retail sale of farms within the tract ultimately earned the proprietors nearly 90,000 pounds sterling."

Now I hope that helped you get a better perspective on how awesome (and sometimes amusing) history can be.

Monday, December 3, 2007

All I want for Christmas is...some dirt?

While browsing the website for Little People, Big World I came across the Roloff family's website. Once there, I found you could buy shirts, mugs, and hats with the Roloff Farms logo on it and got uber excited...but this is most definitely the cream of the crop...

The label reads:

Roloff Farm Country Style Dirt

Roloff Farm dirt has been naturally washed by Oregon rain and gently sun-dried to perfection.

At Roloff Farm we are dedicated to dirt. Without dirt it would be impossible to do what we do best... play in it! We love to play (and farm) using our own special blend we call "Roloff Farm Country Style Dirt." It takes nature thousands of years (plus a few days with matt's bulldozer) to produce this amazing product, but we think it's worth the time and effort. We are soooo very pleased to share a little of our dirt with you. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Suggested Uses

* Use sparingly as an extra treat for your indoor house plants.

* Sprinkle some in your yard to inspire it with a little "country attitude."

* Put some in the kitty box. Excellent for cats who don't get outdoors.

* Rub some on your clothes for that "I just worked in the garden" feeling.

* Make a mud pie, "YUM!"

* Great gift idea for city folk.

(All information and pictures borrowed from

LOVED this. So great.